Our caring extends beyond the residents, tenants and clients we serve each day and reaches throughout the Chippewa Valley community.
Proud Sponsors of:
- Rodger Marten Community Center Monthly Bingo
- Relay for Life
- Walk to End Alzheimer's
- Senior Americans Day
- Mondovi Royalty
- Mondovi "Friendship Days"
- ALH Ladies Auxiliary
- Menomonie Area Senior Center Lunch & Learns
- ALH Sponsored Picnic at Menomonie Area Senior Center
- Community Picnic at ALH
- Meals on Wheels Drivers
- Menomonie Senior Center Tours
- Marten Center Monthly Bingo
Active Members of:
- Mondovi Business Association
- Wisconsin Healthcare Engineering Association
- Westcap Activity Director’s Association
- Alzheimer's Association
- Menomonie Chamber of Commerce
- Wisconsin Representative of Activity Professionals
- Aging Network Group
- LeadingAge
- LeadingAge Legislative and Reimbursement Committee
Volunteer Activities:
- Relay for Life
- Walk to End Alzheimer's
- Marten Center Monthly Bingo
- Adopt-a-Highway program
- Salvation Army Ring a Bell program
- Senior Americans Day

Senior Care Resources!
Get more information about senior care resources from our ALH Resources page.
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